What would you say you do here, Bob?
My goal is to demystify LoRaWAN for real-world applications. While LoRaWAN is a fantastically fascinating technology, it has to (and can) solve things in the real world.
My goal is to share with you not only how to use it for yourself, but how to incorporate it into your business or organization (looking at you, .gov and .edu) to drive bigger profits, better decisions, and more efficient operations.
Oh, and my name is Nik. ;)
I found a bug, who should I tell?
Please report any bugs by opening an issue on our GitHub Issue Tracker.
If you're unfamiliar with GitHub, jump into the Gristleking Discord and look for the #meteoscientific channel.
I'm not really into technology but I want to learn this, is it hard?
It's like learning a trade; at first, everything seems overwhelming or maybe a little confusing, but you'll get the hang of it. If you're willing to put in about 3 hours of work watching videos and following along with tutorials, you'll be ahead of those who are too scared to start.
We believe that understanding and using this technology opens up a world of opportunity for you. The real question is: Do you want to explore a new world?
How reliable is LoRaWAN?
LoRaWAN as a technology is quite reliable. It's not bombproof, but it's robust. Most of your challenges will be in setting up the system and remembering to replace the batteries, which typically lasts so long that you might forget you even have the sensor if you're not using it frequently.
How reliable is MetSci?
We're fairly reliable, but this is mostly a "self-serve" operation. While I have no plans to discontinue this service, if you're planning to build a fleet of 10,000 sensors, there are better options.
Why should I use MetSci Console?
If you're a DIY enthusiast and need more than a 1-day demo account (which Helium offers), this is a good place for you.
MetSci is a permissionless Console; you don't have to ask anyone to use it, you can sign up and get going. If you want to learn how to work with LoRaWAN and a Console before going hard into sensors, MetSci is a superb option.
Please note, MetSci is more of a side project than my full-time job. I've talked more about this in pricing.
Do not expect immediate 24/7 responses to your queries. Typically, it'll take a day or three for me to get back to you. If you need full-time, paid hardcore Console support, consider reaching out to Disk91. It won't be cheap and it isn't permissionless, but it'll be top-notch.
How do I use Console?
We've got several videos over on the MetSci YouTube channel detailing how to use Console. If you prefer to sign up and experiment on your own (some people learn best by doing), you can sign up here.
What is LoRaWAN?
LoRaWAN stands for Long Range Wide Area Network. It's a wireless protocol (radio frequency along with rules for how much and how often data can be sent) that allows you to send small packets of data over long distances and through obstacles using minimal power.
LoRaWAN is excellent for sending small amounts of data, like a temperature reading every 10 minutes (or 24 hours). However, it is NOT suitable for video, phone, or text messages due to the high data requirements.
What is the difference between an App and Console?
In some of the videos on YouTube, you'll see me referring to the App. When I first started MetSci, I also ran a separate application where you could see the output from your sensors. I've since shut that down; there are better options on the market.
Console is the device that allows a sensor to connect to the network and routes the information from the sensor to the right "integration," such as an app like Datacake or others.