Can you use LoRaWAN for emergencies? Yep. Semtech and iWOW Technology Ltd announced they've been running a LoRaWAN based emergency alert system in Singapore covering 10,000 public housing flats; that's a lot!
The system has been in place and running since 2019, and 6 years on 98% of the devices are still operational. This is a classic example of elder care IoT solutions, bringing high tech to help with emergency alerts.
The system is simple; it's just a wall-mounted red button that anyone can press to route an emergency call to a 24 hour response center. Simultaneously, the app used notifies next of kin.
These types of systems also offer opportunities to the businesses providing them, as once you're providing coverage for emergency buttons you're also providing coverage for the rest of the building.
If you're building a LoRaWAN-based business, thinking about your gateway use case (pun intended) as just the beginning is a great way to enter a market.
Get 'em!